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Trail Bikes 24mm Keihin Reproduction Performance Carb - Fits Most MiniBikes

Honda TB Parts 24mm Keihin (Replica) Performance Carburetor
Z50 (88-99), XR/CRF50, CT70 (68-81), XR/CRF70/80,100, SL70, XL70, ATC70 & TRX70
Pricing: $75.95


Trail Bikes 24mm Keihin (Replica) Performance Carb,/strong>

Fits ANY bike with the 24mm Upgrade Carb

Honda Z50 (1988-99) Needs 0263 (Stock head) 0273 (Race or ported head) Intake
Honda XR50 & CRF50 (All Years) Needs 0263 (Stock head) 0273 (Race or ported head) Intake
Honda CT70 (1968-81) Needs 0273 Intake
Honda XR70 & CRF70 (All Years) Needs 0273 Intake
Honda XR80 & CRF80 (All Years) Will bolt onto stock 80 intake but stock intake should be ported to match to run most efficiantly.
Honda XR100 & CRF100 (All Years) Will bolt onto stock 100 intake.
And Others: SL70, XL70, ATC70 & TRX70

May fit other bikes as well. It can fit basically any bike with a flange that has the same eye to eye measurements as this carb. (48mm eye to eye)

-24mm Keihin Reproduction Carb (NOT an actual Keihin)
-95 main (included)
-40 pilot (included)
-Flange mount type

Main Jet kit FF0327TB
Pilot jet kit FF0581TB


  • FF0230TB
  • FF0230TB
  • Trail Bikes
  • New


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 2.0 lbs.

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